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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptyWed Dec 18, 2024 8:32 pm by japlu

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptyTue Aug 15, 2023 1:57 am by japlu

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptyTue Mar 21, 2023 5:54 pm by japlu

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptySat Jul 23, 2022 9:55 pm by japlu

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptyTue May 03, 2022 9:03 am by japlu

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptyMon Apr 25, 2022 4:51 pm by japlu

» [Python] Thinkable class
Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptyTue Apr 05, 2022 7:11 pm by japlu

» owly check this out
Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptyTue Mar 22, 2022 5:03 pm by japlu

» the living grimoire AGI
Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. EmptyTue Mar 22, 2022 4:35 pm by japlu

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008.

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. Empty Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008.

Post  Aiko Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:56 am


Aiko will leave Canada for the first time, and step into US soil.
She will be staying at Jacob Javits Center New York for 3 days on Sept 26,27,28 2008.

She will be at New York Anime Festival wearing Chii from Chobits.
Rie Tanaka the voice actress for Chii from Chobits will also be there.

It would be interesting events.
Come and see Aiko if you have the chance.


Posts : 335
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2008-08-22

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. Empty Re: Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008.

Post  Pumpkin Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:56 am

I was actually asked to go to the New York Anime Fest but I'm unable to attend due to school. I will ask my friends to take pictures and I will post them here whenever I get them. ^^;

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Join date : 2008-09-14
Location : Anne-Marie Island

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. Empty Re: Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008.

Post  123456 Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:18 am

I hope you get some sponsors there...maybe if you can find a way to get on the news you could at the very least get a few people interested. I am SURE that business owners will see the obvious profit in funding a fully completed version. I would love to donate to your project...problem is I am below poverty levels and unemployed Laughing . I will be going to college for video game design/computer programming and I have been pondering a virtual reality program to emulate humans. Looks like you are WAY ahead of me though and have a much better form of human emulation.

Anyway I just thought that I would show my support because I do not see much support for you sadly. In conclusion I REALLY WISH I COULD GET TO THE DEMONSTRATION. Don't give up man or someone else might make Billions off of your idea. You could potentially be the richest man in the world if this pans out. Good luck from a humble dreamer.


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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. Empty Yay, successful event

Post  karlkablisk Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:27 am

Well the event is over. I put up a post with pictures and stuff about it on my forum

Trung, My sister and I were manning the booth the whole event. It was tough being there for like 10 hours from morning till night for about 3 days. @_@ haha.

I think it was really successful, we got interviewed by about 5 places including Anime news network! Smile



Posts : 4
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Join date : 2008-08-23
Location : NYC CoCo Beef!

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. Empty Re: Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008.

Post  sakura chang Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:18 pm

hi trung!

i'm so glad to see the pictures from the convention you went to here in the states! there was only one thing i noticed wrong @_@ the white outfit was being worn ontop of the red skirt when in fact the red skirt is supposed to be on top of the skirt.. the white part should be pulled down instead of at her waist and the red skirt should fit around her waist ^^;; hopefully that will help out there as far as looks go lol.

nice job on aiko so far can't wait to see more. Very Happy

sakura chang

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Join date : 2008-09-24

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. Empty Re: Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008.

Post  Aiko Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:37 pm

Hi sakura

OK, now I feel like an idiot.. Shocked
That show how much I know about woman clothing.....

Thank for letting me know....

Also, lot of people like your costume...... Very Happy

Last edited by Aiko on Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:51 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 335
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Join date : 2008-08-22

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. Empty Re: Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008.

Post  sakura chang Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:24 am

haha no worries trung, even us women get confused at our own clothing sometimes. i thought after i posted that maybe you had done that so that you could get to her battery pack. but i wasn't sure lol.

i'm so glad people are interested in the costume Very Happy i'm really happy to see aiko in it.

sakura chang

Posts : 5
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Join date : 2008-09-24

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Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008. Empty Re: Aiko will make her first debut in the US at NYAF - JACOB JAVITS CENTER Sept 26,27,28 2008.

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