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Programming Empty Programming

Post  Guest2 Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:43 pm

Brousing the FAQ section of the main site, it says that the creator has no formal training in computing/programming (backgound in biology and chemistry). So where did you learn the programming skills neseccary for a project of this complexity. I too have a child hood dream to build robots, but find myself in a position where like you I have experience in biology but have no clue where to start. I know I couldn't begin at the top, but even so I doubt you learned how to design BRAINS in 'an idiots guide to building a near perfect android'. Help.


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Programming Empty Re: Programming

Post  Artilects rule! Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:49 pm

Guest2 wrote:Brousing the FAQ section of the main site, it says that the creator has no formal training in computing/programming (backgound in biology and chemistry). So where did you learn the programming skills neseccary for a project of this complexity. I too have a child hood dream to build robots, but find myself in a position where like you I have experience in biology but have no clue where to start. I know I couldn't begin at the top, but even so I doubt you learned how to design BRAINS in 'an idiots guide to building a near perfect android'. Help.
What he meant was he was self tought, but had some experience in it, that is he's seen how they are put together, and read some books on it, and that really is all the motivation you need when you buy starter kits.
It helps to go to a few classes though.

Incidentally, the BRAINS he made was more of an improvement to existing software.
He was later given the go-ahead to start from the ground up, at which point he had Aiko's body (servos with silicone) put together already.

Artilects rule!

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Join date : 2009-02-06
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Programming Empty Re: Programming

Post  Guest2 Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:54 am

Any idea where I can learn/what books to read? Also, what was the BRAINS precursor?


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Programming Empty Re: Programming

Post  ico Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:58 am

Guest2 wrote:Any idea where I can learn/what books to read? Also, what was the BRAINS precursor?
You could start with Visual Basic - free download here:
Then you of coarse need a book like Visual Basic for beginners and maybe Beginning Programming For Dummies ...

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Join date : 2009-10-05
Age : 44
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Programming Empty Re: Programming

Post  shadow Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:47 pm

Guest2 wrote:Any idea where I can learn/what books to read?

I say the best thing is probably to look up the courses in a college program of study and find books and resources relating to each of the core classes, or go to a community college that offers programming courses.


Posts : 6
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Join date : 2010-01-06

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Programming Empty Re: Programming

Post  Artilects rule! Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:10 pm

shadow wrote:
Guest2 wrote:Any idea where I can learn/what books to read?

I say the best thing is probably to look up the courses in a college program of study and find books and resources relating to each of the core classes, or go to a community college that offers programming courses.
He shouldn't start at the top.
He should know the basics before he takes any robot building class.

As for classes, if you can't get into ITT, try IBM.

Artilects rule!

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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States

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Programming Empty Re: Programming

Post  shadow Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:11 pm

Artilects rule! wrote:
shadow wrote:
Guest2 wrote:Any idea where I can learn/what books to read?

I say the best thing is probably to look up the courses in a college program of study and find books and resources relating to each of the core classes, or go to a community college that offers programming courses.
He shouldn't start at the top.
He should know the basics before he takes any robot building class.

As for classes, if you can't get into ITT, try IBM.

Going to top schools for programming is unnecessary, people either get it or they don't (Look up the fizzbuzz problem). 99% of robot building is programming that interfaces the hardware with the software, and the top schools would teach in depth things such as electrical or compiler theory that would be of virtually no use unless you had large sources of money to design custom electronics for everything. As for college stuff, they don't just through you out there and hope for the best. Most start with basics like logic and design with flowcharting, but no actual code. Then they move onto basic programming, then object oriented programming, and then whatever else they want like database and web design. Yes, you do need to know algebra and some other things expected of a high school graduate; but it's really not that hard to do this as long as you find the right books.


Posts : 6
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Join date : 2010-01-06

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Programming Empty @Guest2

Post  ico Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:59 am

Last edited by ico on Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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Programming Empty Aiko for home users

Post  Gilda Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:20 pm

I would like to know one think and maybe it will be a general doubt to future users.
Will Aiko be able to be taught to do tasks in another way tan using programming lenguage?
Ie. for an elder or dummie user: Will the user need to have knowledge about programming?
Can Aiko have a way to be taught in her tasks without programing? Just showing her what to do?
Maybe copying what people do? Is it technically possible?
Or will be Aiko only available to people who knows how to program? It will reduce the amount of possible users.

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Programming Empty Re: Programming

Post  ico Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:03 am

It's essential for such robot to be taught in her tasks without programing.

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Programming Empty Re: Programming

Post  Aiko Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:46 pm


If you want a job in computer/programming, then I suggest you to go to university/college (otherwise no one will hire you)

But if you want to build a robots as a hobby, then just buy a book and teach yourself programming.

I only .buy 2 programming books in my entire life.
VB 5 edition bible
VB 7 edition bible

The rest you just learn as you go.
Not sure majoring Chemistry and Biology help or not
But my average was 97%.
Basically, what I am trying to say is you have to read and understand it,not just copy and paste.

Posts : 335
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Join date : 2008-08-22

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Programming Empty Re: Programming

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