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Let's make it official

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Do you think the time and energy to convey creativity through gaming deserves to be called art?

No, if it's graphic violence like the God of War games or realistic violence, mature content is there just to be there.
Yes, fiction games are very creative, and non fiction games are of significance in history or politics.
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Let's make it official Empty Let's make it official

Post  Artilects rule! Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:22 pm

Remember this?
One of the things the Miller Test says is not obscene (legally adapted for Internet porn) is artistic merit.
It's time both the gaming community and the media recognize that a video game is an artform.

I propose the following to be legal definitions:

Video Game Art shall be defined as digital images or a sequence of sounds (includes video of real person triggered by game) that is able to tell a story (may or may not include music or voice), or a scene that can be in a story for the following reasons:

  • Theme (mood of story)

  • Setting (necessary for interior or exterior)

  • Character Development (hinting of future behavior)

  • Lifestyle of Character (present day environment)

  • History of Upbringing (character and family bios)

Interactive Art as applied to video games, shall refer to a video game that can be bought in a store, obtained from digital download, or played on a network.
I'm not kidding, I want this.
I think it should be added (if not replaced) here:
You should look at the discussion first:

I'd like to make clear, this is not true to fact, but I am hoping there will be enough hits to make it vote-able.
I'd also like to make it clear that my proposal is not about modifying existing games, but the artistry of making them in the first place.
If a movie, TV show, concert, and stage production can be called artforms, so can graphics, puzzles, video interaction, and video game triggers.

As for sources:
I site wikipedia's views on "Interactive Art", "3D Art", "Digital Art", "Computer Art", and for MMORPGs - "The Arts".

Artilects rule!

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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States

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Let's make it official Empty Erotica

Post  Arti Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:40 am

This doesn't mean porn would have to be openly sellable, however the ESRB would treat nudity a little kinder.


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Let's make it official Empty Re: Let's make it official

Post  Discoman Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:36 pm

video games as art?
there is a video series at the website for the escapist magazine that concentrates on that topic. it is called Extra Credits.
completely safe for work, and the magazine also has some anime reviews as well.

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Join date : 2009-07-01
Age : 31
Location : USA

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Let's make it official Empty Banning violent videogames from kids

Post  Arti Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:12 pm

Art in videogames wasn't really the issue, but it is a good defense.
The forum discussion started with a September video about Arnold Schwarzenegger's decision to not allow minors purchase violent videogames, saying that the parent may still buy it for the child.

This includes graphic violence like Doom and Haunted Mansion, realistic violence like (insert name here), and blood and violence like Final Fantasy 11, 12, and 13 (US version April 24).
Also graphic fantasy violence like World of Warcraft and sexual violence like the Dead Or Alive games.


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Let's make it official Empty Violent Videogames

Post  Arti Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:10 pm

Here's an article about it if you like (includes court transcript):
Opponents make their case on violent video games before the Supreme Court.
At least we don't have to worry about Jack Thompson anymore.

I wonder if anyone will bring up the Terminator videogames.


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Let's make it official Empty Please Vote

Post  Arti Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:40 am

It' 3 no and 4 yes including my vote.
I really do want videogames to offically be called art.

Someone should form a club or something..
Interactive Fictional Artistic Creativity (IFAC)

Members would include representives of:
US/C (United States and Canada) and Jap (Japan).


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Let's make it official Empty Re: Let's make it official

Post  Zahg Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:23 am

Speaking as an indie game developer, I can without a doubt say that it is an art form.
Even if you dont count the story or the game as a whole, the 2d assets and 3d modeling is definitely art...and takes bloody forever! Razz


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Let's make it official Empty Examples of art in videogames

Post  Arti Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:52 pm

Roger Ebert thinks if the video has rules and structure, puzzles and triggers, and a way to win or lose, it can't be called art.
Now it's time for him to eat his words!

Hit a ball with a paddle to break a pattern of colored blocks/bricks which unlocks a passage that leads to a new level.
Sounds like an interactive screensaver to me.

Turn big boulders into small rocks and smaller stones in a zero G atmosphere using a small space craft.

Dig Dug
Vertical and horizontal tunnels meet underground making an Etch-A-Sketch like pattern using monsters in a kill or be killed situation.

Geometric shapes (that look like they are inspired by Escher) change colors as a creature hops on each one.
Hop on the correct diamonds to make a solid pyramid.

The list goes on.

Dead Or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball for X-Box
A fan service game which is hard to take seriously, and credibility is lost with sexually charged ads like "Tissues not included," and "So easy you can do it with one hand," but it makes sense when it's played all the way through. Wink


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Let's make it official Empty It's still just an opinion, considered unprotected speech by the law.

Post  Arti Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:55 pm

Roger Ebert thinks if the video has rules and structure, puzzles and triggers, and a way to win or lose, it can't be called art.
Roger Ebert Concedes Videogames Can Be Considered Art


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Let's make it official Empty Common sense is winning!

Post  Arti Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:30 pm

Thanks for voting everyone.
Does anyone else have an opinion on this?

I stay in this forum for the most part (most of what's said goes over my head), so I would like to have more people to talk with.


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