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Post  Artilects rule! Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:06 pm

I have an idea that could revolutionize the industry!
I've seen shows (more live ones than animated) that switches to first person every once in a while (generally in a dream or fantasy), but I haven't seen an anime that is fully first person, I'd like to see that in an anime.

Ok, I admit it, this idea was inspired by the sexual age difference in America.
The really neat thing is you can go wild with sexual scenes if you (the manga author as well) never mention the age of the protagonist.
You could even make it a series, with a final episode that reveals the character's true age and gender (the entire series never happened).

Artilects rule!

Posts : 202
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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States

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Post  Discoman Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:03 am

I suggest you watch doom. Yes, first person as the scene is k own was cool, but the format of TV kinda makes it really distracting to have the character interact with anything. As in, whatever they use will take up a sizeable portion of the screen.
Still, professionally speaking, I would love to see it tried. Failure to over ambition is better than failure due to people messing up a proven idea.

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Age : 31
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Post  Artilects rule! Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:50 am

Discoman wrote:I suggest you watch doom. Yes, first person as the scene is k own was cool, but the format of TV kinda makes it really distracting to have the character interact with anything. As in, whatever they use will take up a sizeable portion of the screen.
Still, professionally speaking, I would love to see it tried. Failure to over ambition is better than failure due to people messing up a proven idea.
Well, I've seen both the 1970 something movie and TV series Doom, but I'm assuming you mean the videogame Doom.

No, it wouldn't be like that, as the game industry wants to confuse you during play.
Generally it would be a maze in first person games, but I'm talking about like the old style of multiple choice gaming in a regular anime DVD.
I remember a Disney or Disney like project that had special movie theater type seats that would be interactive with a movie projector, which would make you the star of a first person movie.

Nintendo already has something like that, so why can't it be on a regular TV?

Artilects rule!

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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States

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Post  Discoman Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:59 pm

Artilects rule! wrote:
Discoman wrote:I suggest you watch doom. Yes, first person as the scene is k own was cool, but the format of TV kinda makes it really distracting to have the character interact with anything. As in, whatever they use will take up a sizeable portion of the screen.
Still, professionally speaking, I would love to see it tried. Failure to over ambition is better than failure due to people messing up a proven idea.
Well, I've seen both the 1970 something movie and TV series Doom, but I'm assuming you mean the videogame Doom.

No, it wouldn't be like that, as the game industry wants to confuse you during play.
Generally it would be a maze in first person games, but I'm talking about like the old style of multiple choice gaming in a regular anime DVD.
I remember a Disney or Disney like project that had special movie theater type seats that would be interactive with a movie projector, which would make you the star of a first person movie.

Nintendo already has something like that, so why can't it be on a regular TV?
I actually meant the Doom movie. The one that came out within the last decade or so. You having not heard of it is pretty indicative of the quality of the story. Lots of action though.

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Join date : 2009-07-01
Age : 31
Location : USA

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