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Why Asimo? Why?

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Why Asimo? Why? Empty Why Asimo? Why?

Post  Gilda Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:14 pm

why did the 1986's version walked in a normal way and 2012's walks like a rheumatic old man??

An involution?

So if honda made first the version of Asimo walking in a normal gait, it's possible to make Aiko and her future brothers and sisters to walk well. Not an impossible dream at all.

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Why Asimo? Why? Empty Re: Why Asimo? Why?

Post  Discoman Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:06 am

Well, he is getting older. Very Happy
I would lay down money that Aiko becomes one of the first, if not the first gynoids/yumecom to actually walk. Sure, humanoid robots have been wandering around, but all the androids/gynoids currently existing either sit in chairs or get propped up on stands, they have yet to take steps around.
Look at what v1 did, and on a budget of much less than universities spend, and is just as good, and more impressive.

Still, walking is an impressive feat. Thanks for sharing the ASIMO video, it was kind of amusing.

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