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Aiko is simply amazing!

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Aiko is simply amazing! Empty Aiko is simply amazing!

Post  Rutares Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:25 pm

Please forgive me if I should not post this here... I have to let this out!

This is absolutely incredible. I saw a mention of Aiko's existence on another forum I frequent about 30 minutes ago... and the first thing I thought of was a Persocom, from Chobits. When I found out that's partly what inspired you to create Aiko, I was really moved. When I was younger and first got into Chobits, I really wanted to create a robot just like Yuzuki for a sibling, so I wouldn't have to be alone anymore-- I'm an only child. Granted, I knew I never could, because I lack the skills or the knowledge to even know where I would start.

The fact that you have progressed this far is amazing. I really hope you can complete her! Aiko is lovely and incredibly intelligent. I think if I had ever made "Yuzuki", I would have wanted her to be like Aiko. <3 I will look through my clothes and see if I have anything to donate to her!

I wish you and Aiko all the best!

Posts : 1
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Join date : 2008-12-29
Age : 36

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Aiko is simply amazing! Empty Re: Aiko is simply amazing!

Post  Artilects rule! Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:30 pm

Rutares wrote:Please forgive me if I should not post this here... I have to let this out!

This is absolutely incredible. I saw a mention of Aiko's existence on another forum I frequent about 30 minutes ago... and the first thing I thought of was a Persocom, from Chobits. When I found out that's partly what inspired you to create Aiko, I was really moved. When I was younger and first got into Chobits, I really wanted to create a robot just like Yuzuki for a sibling, so I wouldn't have to be alone anymore-- I'm an only child. Granted, I knew I never could, because I lack the skills or the knowledge to even know where I would start.

The fact that you have progressed this far is amazing. I really hope you can complete her! Aiko is lovely and incredibly intelligent. I think if I had ever made "Yuzuki", I would have wanted her to be like Aiko. <3 I will look through my clothes and see if I have anything to donate to her!

I wish you and Aiko all the best!
You probably aren't even here anymore, but I want to reply anyway.
Chii is the persocom, Yuzuki is her owner, and yes, that was a fantastic (and somewhat moving) series.
Yuzuki didn't even treat her like a persocom, more like a human child.

Artilects rule!

Posts : 202
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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States

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Aiko is simply amazing! Empty Re: Aiko is simply amazing!

Post  Guest Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:14 am

Artilects rule! wrote:
Rutares wrote:Please forgive me if I should not post this here... I have to let this out!

This is absolutely incredible. I saw a mention of Aiko's existence on another forum I frequent about 30 minutes ago... and the first thing I thought of was a Persocom, from Chobits. When I found out that's partly what inspired you to create Aiko, I was really moved. When I was younger and first got into Chobits, I really wanted to create a robot just like Yuzuki for a sibling, so I wouldn't have to be alone anymore-- I'm an only child. Granted, I knew I never could, because I lack the skills or the knowledge to even know where I would start.

The fact that you have progressed this far is amazing. I really hope you can complete her! Aiko is lovely and incredibly intelligent. I think if I had ever made "Yuzuki", I would have wanted her to be like Aiko. <3 I will look through my clothes and see if I have anything to donate to her!

I wish you and Aiko all the best!
You probably aren't even here anymore, but I want to reply anyway.
Chii is the persocom, Yuzuki is her owner, and yes, that was a fantastic (and somewhat moving) series.
Yuzuki didn't even treat her like a persocom, more like a human child.

Well, he did treat her as a persicon at first but that slowly changed. They touch upon the addiction to the persicom in a similar manner as internet or gaming addiction. The same can be said for the new series, Time of Eve which shares a lot of the same kind of underlying issues pertaining to the future of robots in society.


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