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Idea for R&D of Yumecom technolgy

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Idea for R&D of Yumecom technolgy Empty Idea for R&D of Yumecom technolgy

Post  Konrad13 Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:54 am

As stated in another thread, I have been giving a lot of thought to the possibilities of Yumecom technology and how it can be developed at a more rapid pace. The problem lies in the idea I have: We would want to contact five very large corporations who would have a good stake in the development. However, the chances of all of these corporations working together are next to nil, but they are listed below anyway. The idea is is that with the funding and research that the Big Five could provide, a general purpose Yumecom could be developed in a very short amount of time. This base model could then be used to develop more "niched" models suitable to the Big Five's needs.

The following list outlines what the companies can provide to the R&D of the Yumecom technology, as well as what kind of Yumecom could be developed for them.

Honda: Their robots are perhaps some of the most famous around, and are extremely well developed in both movement and their rough AI. A Yumecom developed for them would probably be a mascot of sorts.
~PROVIDES: Good working frame for the body

Sony: The company is an entertainment giant, and has resources in spades. Yumecoms developed for Sony would most likely be entertainment based, so Blu-Ray DVD compatability, projector, and several other features should be looked into.
~PROVIDES: High tech gadgetry, such as advanced web-cams, to make development more smooth

Nintendo: A gaming entertainment super-giant. Yumecoms developed for this company would be most in line with the concept of "console-tans," or robots designed to play video games. A developed AI could make their video games more realistic, and also a great way to entertain the family.
~PROVIDES: A good name to market with, as well as interactive technology.

Microsoft: THE computer mega-giant, Yumecoms developed for Microsoft would definately need computing and internet capabilities, as well as dictation technology. I assume that a cross between the Nintendo and Sony Yumecoms could work for Microsoft, but we should focus more on the computing.
~PROVIDES: Operating system know-how, tech, money, and an army of specialists, plus perhpas the most highly advanced game-AI information to be seen today.

Yamaha Corporation: A mix company that focuses dually on motor products and music. I suggest we focus on the music aspect for safety reasons. A Yumecom developed for the Yamaha Corp. would most likely include their vocaloid programming, allowing song-writers to test their art before being sold.
~PROVIDES: A voice program that could work in the Yumecom models to make them more appealing to the general populace.

All Yumecoms should come with as advanced an AI as the BRAINS software can provide. Numerous daily needs should be programmed into the Yumecoms, such as housekeeping, light calisthenics (?), basic personalities (which can be developed and/or sold), minor computing, GPS functions, emotion analyser, and also "performance goals" which can vary from user to user.

With the backing of these giants, I believe that Yumecom technology could indeed prosper. If contact with several other AI researchers could be achieved and a sharing of information ensured, then the AI could develop more rapidly and with less cost. While it may get odd looks at the moment, I give it five years and their will be a difinitive market for home-based robots.

While I understand that it will be difficult to convince even one of these companies to finance and assist in the project, it is still worth a shot. Heck, I know I would love to have a chance to help develop Aiko/Yumecom technology. If we can convince them to at least tenetively back the R&D, that would be of great help. And if the technolgy is developed more quickly due to their assistance, then they could see profit more quickly from it.

However, I suggest that they fund the project as if they are a partner company. If they fund it as if they were and owner, they could demand unreasonable things. As a partner company, the R&D would develop with a lot of room, and most likely would be of better use.

So, ideas? Comments? I know this is highly improbable, but still...


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Join date : 2008-12-31
Age : 35
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Idea for R&D of Yumecom technolgy Empty Re: Idea for R&D of Yumecom technolgy

Post  Artilects rule! Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:31 pm

Microsoft has a poor reputation for security, so I wouldn't go with them.
Google, Yahoo, Geocities, Lycos, etc. (for software promotions), haven't been mentioned, but the way they conduct user privacy is not desired, so don't go with them.
Although Sony seems to be a "Cash Cow" as entertainment systems grow (see PS4 plans), they might be the best bet for distributing yumecoms.
Nintendo is more known for online gaming than robotics.
Yamaha is perfect for instrumental yumecoms (opera, rock concerts, music videos, etc.).
Honda is good for sports promotions, in fact Honda is the official sponsor of the (year) Olympics!

Artilects rule!

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Idea for R&D of Yumecom technolgy Empty Re: Idea for R&D of Yumecom technolgy

Post  Konrad13 Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:49 am

Artilects rule! wrote:Microsoft has a poor reputation for security, so I wouldn't go with them.
Google, Yahoo, Geocities, Lycos, etc. (for software promotions), haven't been mentioned, but the way they conduct user privacy is not desired, so don't go with them.
Although Sony seems to be a "Cash Cow" as entertainment systems grow (see PS4 plans), they might be the best bet for distributing yumecoms.
Nintendo is more known for online gaming than robotics.
Yamaha is perfect for instrumental yumecoms (opera, rock concerts, music videos, etc.).
Honda is good for sports promotions, in fact Honda is the official sponsor of the (year) Olympics!
The reason I mentioned the Big Five is listed in the little paragraphs. I believe Google, Yahoo, Geocities and Lycos are owned by larger corporations I believe, but they should be looked into, definitely Google (the guys are planning a space elevator, after all...).


Posts : 70
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Join date : 2008-12-31
Age : 35
Location : Missouri

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