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My prayers for Japan

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My prayers for Japan Empty My prayers for Japan

Post  Gilda Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:01 am

Japan is a special country. A rich culture. Rich technology. Intelligent minds.
I have a friend there, I was not able to make contact with her. I am praying for her, her family and for all people form Japan right now. Please, you send your positive thoughts to them too.
They will also need help. If you can donate to Red Cross, please do it. It is almost 1000 deads and counting. It is so SAD!
Earth quake, tsunami and now a possible nuclear leak. Please God show some mercy.
I am very sad ...

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Join date : 2010-10-22
Age : 39
Location : Brazil

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My prayers for Japan Empty Our disasters

Post  Arti Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:00 pm

I don't mean to sound callous, but we've had some disasters too.
The UK helped out a little, but Japan was too busy with love dolls and rape games.

Colorado - 9.2 earthquake (stronger aftershocks)
Florida (Miami) - huge, intense hurricane followed by water spout and tornadoes
California (San Fransisco) - 9.5/.6/.7 earthquakes (spread to more cities)
New Orleans - hurricane and huge flood
Multiple states (including Alaska) lava spurts in quake
Texas - storm and huge flood
Multiple states (including Hawaii) lava spurts in quake
Hawaii - lava spreads from active volcano

That's only a few examples.


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My prayers for Japan Empty Re: My prayers for Japan

Post  Gilda Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:47 pm

every disaster is sad.
Haiti suffered too much too.
Chile also...
My country suffered a lot 2 months ago: Brazil => 1000 deaths with the rains in Rio de Janeiro.

My preyers go to every suffering family no metter from what part in the world.
But now I am sure I lost a friend in Japan - Now it is confirmed. I'm in mourning.
My preyers go to my friend Sayuri. ( that one you said had a weird name)
So, I am comunicating that I'll take some days far from internet, far from here.
I need a rest from all that can make me remember her. She really was like a sister to me.
She came to Brazil and studied with me at college because she wanted to study portuguese. She came back to her land 2 years ago. I intended to visit Japan in the next year. I would go to see my friend, know her land, know her family... ( she was going to present me to her cute brother) . Now, there is no need for me to go.
My heart is really bleeding.
I will take a little rest with my pain.



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Join date : 2010-10-22
Age : 39
Location : Brazil

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My prayers for Japan Empty I'm sorry

Post  Arti Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:28 pm

Please don't go away mad.
I was just irritated that the majority of Japan's industry is centered around sex when we have real problems.
I didn't mean their lives are any less important than ours.

About your friend's name, I didn't mean nor said that it was a weird name.
I was just speculating that legitimate news sources would poke fun at it even more than they are the maker, which would confirm in some people's mind that Aiko is meant for sex.

Your friend's name isn't weird at all.


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My prayers for Japan Empty Red Square melt down

Post  Arti Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:36 pm

Russia was pretty much like Japan in the 90s.
They had an earthquake which caused a nuclear plant to have a melt down, so I can see where you're coming from.


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