For Moira Johnston (if you come here)
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For Moira Johnston (if you come here)
Your cause is equal rights for women, but that will never work until child sexuality rights is legal.
I have read many articles that say until around year 14 or 15, a minor will not be uncomfortable seeing nudity (meaning full nudity, but is a part of being topless).
In fact many 6 or 7 year olds will be either fully or partially naked (may be pantsless only) in public.
Also erections must be addressed.
We think nothing of them when women have them in public, but a man's erection is seen as either disturbing or disgusting, and when with children immoral and illegal.
The teenage uncomfortably comes from adults (authority figures), environment (conventional lifestyle), and society in general (television).
You must take care of children equality before a woman's equality.
I'm not suggesting you go fully nude, but that arrest made me think, why is a topless woman a danger to children?
Tomorrow morning, take your kids (whoever is a minor in your family) out for a walk.
Rally protesters (best if nudists/naturists) together taking their children also.
The only real danger to kids is child molestation (and other child abuse), pedophiles, and child pornography, not bare breasts or even full adult nudity.
By the way, I don't get your job.
You put your top on just to take it off, and men PAY for that?
Is it just artistic/gymnastic dance on a pole, 'cause I can imagine that with a more high class clientele rather than the stripping crowed.
I have read many articles that say until around year 14 or 15, a minor will not be uncomfortable seeing nudity (meaning full nudity, but is a part of being topless).
In fact many 6 or 7 year olds will be either fully or partially naked (may be pantsless only) in public.
Also erections must be addressed.
We think nothing of them when women have them in public, but a man's erection is seen as either disturbing or disgusting, and when with children immoral and illegal.
The teenage uncomfortably comes from adults (authority figures), environment (conventional lifestyle), and society in general (television).
You must take care of children equality before a woman's equality.
I'm not suggesting you go fully nude, but that arrest made me think, why is a topless woman a danger to children?
Tomorrow morning, take your kids (whoever is a minor in your family) out for a walk.
Rally protesters (best if nudists/naturists) together taking their children also.
The only real danger to kids is child molestation (and other child abuse), pedophiles, and child pornography, not bare breasts or even full adult nudity.
By the way, I don't get your job.
You put your top on just to take it off, and men PAY for that?
Is it just artistic/gymnastic dance on a pole, 'cause I can imagine that with a more high class clientele rather than the stripping crowed.
Artilects rule!- Posts : 202
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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States
Re: For Moira Johnston (if you come here)
If you ARE lurking here, I don't mean to offend or disgust you by talking of sexuality (I really do think women should be treated as equals in a free speech context), but I can't be the only guy here who wants to have his cake and eat it too.
Sexual desensitization has already begun!
I can't help thinking about how underarm hair used to be attractive to men, then someone thought shaving it would be healthier if not less smelly.
Now smooth skin on a woman is attractive.
I'm for free speech as well as anti censorship.
In this context, breasts (which aren't considered genitals anymore) should be able to be seen (outside of the Playboy franchise).
I'm the guy who talks about constitutional rights without doing anything, but did Martin Luther King (Jr.) really get his hands dirty?
I've been on many nudist/naturist Websites which lead me to Topfreedom sites.
I always said they should have this a state wide ruling, but not the whole country for we (or at least "I") still want breast fantasies.
Sexual desensitization has already begun!
I can't help thinking about how underarm hair used to be attractive to men, then someone thought shaving it would be healthier if not less smelly.
Now smooth skin on a woman is attractive.
I'm for free speech as well as anti censorship.
In this context, breasts (which aren't considered genitals anymore) should be able to be seen (outside of the Playboy franchise).
I'm the guy who talks about constitutional rights without doing anything, but did Martin Luther King (Jr.) really get his hands dirty?
I've been on many nudist/naturist Websites which lead me to Topfreedom sites.
I always said they should have this a state wide ruling, but not the whole country for we (or at least "I") still want breast fantasies.
Artilects rule!- Posts : 202
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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States
Re: For Moira Johnston (if you come here)
So many views!
May I assume Ms. Johnston (asking mod) is considering joining, I would love that!
I know she has a Facebook page, but I wouldn't want anything on that, not that this forum isn't public anyway.
By the way, I call myself an inactive activist.
I (try to) encourage others to do something about the topics I'm passionate about, then just sit back and watch the results.
I have read people have gone to jail for a cause, trying to be a martyr.
Those topless women in New York aren't a bunch of Susan B. Anthonys and I'm no Marten Luther King, and I don't think I should pretend to be this late in the game.
This is another reason why I'm conflicted about this topless equality.
1: Women get equal rights with their own body in all states (let the jigglefest commence).
2: Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren are desensitized, like seeing a stripper with nothing to strip (Mata Hari had the right idea).
3: Because of desensitization, American sex drive goes down.
4: Because American sex drive goes down, half the population leaves the U.S. while the other half has a low sperm count (increasing penis accessory sales sold for health rather than sex).
5: Because of low sperm counts, future generations will not be born.
The only upside to these events I can see is what happens next.
6: Bigamy, wife/mistress swapping, and consensual incest (18+) are made legal in all U.S. states.
The downside would be what it was originally:
7: STDs and unwanted pregnancy spread like a country wide plague.
Before consensual incest is made legal, there would have to be some rules in place.
What is incest anyway, family penetration, inappropriate touching, or looking at a family member when you shouldn't be looking?
May I assume Ms. Johnston (asking mod) is considering joining, I would love that!
I know she has a Facebook page, but I wouldn't want anything on that, not that this forum isn't public anyway.
By the way, I call myself an inactive activist.
I (try to) encourage others to do something about the topics I'm passionate about, then just sit back and watch the results.
I have read people have gone to jail for a cause, trying to be a martyr.
Those topless women in New York aren't a bunch of Susan B. Anthonys and I'm no Marten Luther King, and I don't think I should pretend to be this late in the game.
This is another reason why I'm conflicted about this topless equality.
1: Women get equal rights with their own body in all states (let the jigglefest commence).
2: Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren are desensitized, like seeing a stripper with nothing to strip (Mata Hari had the right idea).
3: Because of desensitization, American sex drive goes down.
4: Because American sex drive goes down, half the population leaves the U.S. while the other half has a low sperm count (increasing penis accessory sales sold for health rather than sex).
5: Because of low sperm counts, future generations will not be born.
The only upside to these events I can see is what happens next.
6: Bigamy, wife/mistress swapping, and consensual incest (18+) are made legal in all U.S. states.
The downside would be what it was originally:
7: STDs and unwanted pregnancy spread like a country wide plague.
Before consensual incest is made legal, there would have to be some rules in place.
What is incest anyway, family penetration, inappropriate touching, or looking at a family member when you shouldn't be looking?
Artilects rule!- Posts : 202
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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States
Re: For Moira Johnston (if you come here)
46 views when I started this post.
At last post I was 44.
I assume the moderator was 45.
Somebody else is here!
Well, if you are here, you can add this to your petition to Obama (who doesn't really have as much power as you think).
Video Voyeurism Law
Sexual Gratification means to knowingly arouse.
The defense of this is sexual arousal wasn't known, which is akin to "The actions of the site member is not the responsibility of the site owner," but with visuals.
Security, Military, Law Enforcement, and Occupation related imaging must obtain consent of the subjects as well as the knowledge of the device's whereabouts, this excludes intense circumstances when needed in the endangerment of lives or severe law breaking.
This doesn't mean a drunken Lindsay Lohan, a rowdy Britney Spears, or a speeding Paris Hilton can be seen in the media in these situations.
Consensual Broadcasting means to submit or transmit an image or video consensually without malicious intent.
Malicious intent includes to humiliate (sex tape included) which is differentiated from embarrass.
Non Consensual Broadcasting means to initially record without consent, that might emotionally or mentally harm the victim or victim's family even without meaning too.
This clause is meant specifically for reality programs!
Also, I want the terms of filming the breast (including breast definition) stricken from the record, as it was ruled the breast is not a genital.
PS: I just read about a 2008 ruling that said women can ogle a man's exposed chest but a man can't do the same to a woman without an arrest.
If women can have equal rights in showing them off, we should have equal rights for looking with arousal.
This ruling should be reversed immediately, if not just in the places where it's legal to be topless (Hooters restaurants included).
At last post I was 44.
I assume the moderator was 45.
Somebody else is here!
Well, if you are here, you can add this to your petition to Obama (who doesn't really have as much power as you think).
Video Voyeurism Law
Sexual Gratification means to knowingly arouse.
The defense of this is sexual arousal wasn't known, which is akin to "The actions of the site member is not the responsibility of the site owner," but with visuals.
Security, Military, Law Enforcement, and Occupation related imaging must obtain consent of the subjects as well as the knowledge of the device's whereabouts, this excludes intense circumstances when needed in the endangerment of lives or severe law breaking.
This doesn't mean a drunken Lindsay Lohan, a rowdy Britney Spears, or a speeding Paris Hilton can be seen in the media in these situations.
Consensual Broadcasting means to submit or transmit an image or video consensually without malicious intent.
Malicious intent includes to humiliate (sex tape included) which is differentiated from embarrass.
Non Consensual Broadcasting means to initially record without consent, that might emotionally or mentally harm the victim or victim's family even without meaning too.
This clause is meant specifically for reality programs!
Also, I want the terms of filming the breast (including breast definition) stricken from the record, as it was ruled the breast is not a genital.
PS: I just read about a 2008 ruling that said women can ogle a man's exposed chest but a man can't do the same to a woman without an arrest.
If women can have equal rights in showing them off, we should have equal rights for looking with arousal.
This ruling should be reversed immediately, if not just in the places where it's legal to be topless (Hooters restaurants included).
Artilects rule!- Posts : 202
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States
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