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Finding funds is not easy as an engineer so leverage Empty Finding funds is not easy as an engineer so leverage

Post  WulfCry Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:56 pm

What any engineer/inventor should know.

I'm not a research type of person but do know my way to find things.
This project is in need of funding or donations and the problem is YOU. I know it sounds harsh you've knock on doors asked, plead showed your project and impressed a few people and ?.
It was not enough to confince investors why, This project started as a hobby and matured to a probable bussines but what kind of bussines.
Why should people invest in your project and what is the gain of. It yes a walking talking expressive robot that does chores.
But where is the real bussines preposal to this project which needs the funding. If you can define that then for sure people wil be cooperative to invest in aiko.
There are a few options to gain funds one is opensource your project and keep fully controle of the development. The other is develop a part of the project to work for the whole project that could be the hardware design or the software in some part. Also there is always competive part on the way protecting the project by registering is good for starters , The structure of the aiko robot is also something you should consider to put on paper as for a patent you never know how uniqeu your design could be ( I dont want to scare you but you should realise that).
For a software company it easy to gain funds then both a hardware and software company its better to simplify first and then state claim better your evidence is there that gives you one step ahead. I know its sounds a little plain but investors think in numbers engineers in production and that not something on the same level. Its something that any of us should know and start to leverage.


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Join date : 2008-12-10
Location : Netherland , Rotterdam

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