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Emotiv's Neuroheadset Integration

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Emotiv's Neuroheadset Integration Empty Emotiv's Neuroheadset Integration

Post  subzero3 Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:06 pm

I've seen a couple of videos of the android, I thought it would also be nice to integrate Emotiv's neuroheadset as one of the android's features.
This link has the product demonstrations. Their headset basically reads brainwaves; it reads facial expressions, emotions, and thoughts. They have an Software Development Kit and the product costs $300 US dollars. Maybe you can look into this technology and allow disabled people to use the android as a second body to do their work Smile (manual control basically). Imagine someone in a wheelchair who has a hard time reaching up to a high cabinet or someone who has a fully paralyzed body who would constantly require an assistant to listen to what the disabled person needs and do it for them. This would be a great alternative.

Good luck on your work =)


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Emotiv's Neuroheadset Integration Empty Re: Emotiv's Neuroheadset Integration

Post  subzero34g Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:08 pm

subzero3 wrote:I've seen a couple of videos of the android, I thought it would also be nice to integrate Emotiv's neuroheadset as one of the android's features.

This link has the product demonstrations. Their headset basically reads brainwaves; it reads facial expressions, emotions, and thoughts. They have an Software Development Kit and the product costs $300 US dollars. Maybe you can look into this technology and allow disabled people to use the android as a second body to do their work Smile (manual control basically). Imagine someone in a wheelchair who has a hard time reaching up to a high cabinet or someone who has a fully paralyzed body who would constantly require an assistant to listen to what the disabled person needs and do it for them. This would be a great alternative.

Good luck on your work =)

Eh..I guess I need to register to post links, here's the link for the neuroheadset demo's ->


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Join date : 2008-12-16

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Emotiv's Neuroheadset Integration Empty Not working yet.

Post  Artilects rule! Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:45 am

It will be years before we see a working headset from Neurosky (Sega is working on applications for it), but Emotiv's Project Epoc will be available by the end of this year (can use with any video game).

You and I think alike on this.
Truth Detectors

Truth detection is now a mind reading technology (memory of facial expressions, sweat censers, etc.).
I believe these bio recordings can be transfered to mechanized software (see Project Epoc), like a video tape transfered to DVD.
This would give Aiko even more of a human quality, and I'm surprised nobody else (to my knowledge) has thought of this.

Artilects rule!

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