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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Discoman Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:59 pm

okay i have several suggestions... linear electric actuators to power her movements, even small ones can move 600+ lbs, which might allow her to walk, sync the song or words to the facial expressions/mouth/lip movements for greater realism, and the thing i think may be the most helpful...

there is a company that developed a charger for xbox 360 remotes. they use a bulkier battery, but they only need to be in close proximity to the charger to recharge. they plan on implementing it in a coffee table next, so basically, any electronics will recharge if you set them on the table. build this into chairs, her wheelchair, etc and no more power cables running into her body.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Guest Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:39 pm

What would the cost involve look like, Disco?


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Konrad13 Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:57 pm

Shashinka Ichiban wrote:What would the cost involve look like, Disco?
Probably gonna be hella expensive. An interesting development in recharging though:

Basically, while in standby mode, a small device within the object (say Aiko or a cell phone) uses the latent radio/television/wireless waves in the air to recharge itself. the waves carry a small charge, and would not keep the device going indefinitely while it works, but while it is not doing anything (i.e. standby mode), it will begin to recharge itself.


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Discoman Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:14 pm

i don't recall xosts at the moment, i'll go look them up. but the electric actuators can cost less than 1/2 of a pneumatic system, a lot more than a servo system, but can provide the greater realism that the pneumatics provide.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Kthomp06 Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:38 pm

You might want to look at the life span of the small ones for the hands. The ones I looked at only had a life span of 200 hours. I don't know how long the larger ones last say for the arms. I've been working on intergrating the servo into the bones of the fingers.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Guest Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:51 pm

Kthomp06 wrote:You might want to look at the life span of the small ones for the hands. The ones I looked at only had a life span of 200 hours. I don't know how long the larger ones last say for the arms. I've been working on intergrating the servo into the bones of the fingers.

I was sorta thinking the same thing, it was the primary reason why we never had servos on any of our robots at bp. I can hear Dan b!tching now that he has to tear down AFS and replace a servo motor. The accelerators weren't a hell of a lot better, but they served a different function.


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Kthomp06 Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:27 pm

Here's the first stage of my project it has sence been modifed. I'm putting 3 servo's into each finger at a wieght of 1.5 oz. A hand can be from 250 to 500 grams(1lb) so I have room to modify. Don't wory about the size it's getting smaller. This is bone and muscel put together.

[img]Suggustions for a more realistic appearance R214[/img]

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Aiko Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:43 pm


Nice looking hand. Servo is a good start for making prototype.
It's cheap and last long. But in the long run, should replace with something else.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Guest Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:38 pm

Kthomp06 wrote:Here's the first stage of my project it has sence been modifed. I'm putting 3 servo's into each finger at a wieght of 1.5 oz. A hand can be from 250 to 500 grams(1lb) so I have room to modify. Don't wory about the size it's getting smaller. This is bone and muscel put together.

[img]Suggustions for a more realistic appearance R214[/img]

That's pretty damn impressive.


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Kthomp06 Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:07 am

Hi I thought I'd give you a look at stage 2 and a sneak peek at stage 3 of the hand project. With stage 2 I was able to slide my 3 lb vise across the table.

Le I would realy like to know what else could be used instead of servos? I've looked at linear actuators that only has a life spane of 200 hours. I've looked at muscle wire it gets to hot and could damage the silicone, plus I don't know how long it will last.

Stage 2
Suggustions for a more realistic appearance R513

I'm replacing the potentiometer from the servo with one I found from a old monitor. I cut the cap off and make it fit into the side of the uint.

To the left potentiometer from servo, to the right potentiometer from monitor.
Suggustions for a more realistic appearance R610

And now for a look at stage 3. Stage 3 will be modified with a ring gear with hopes that it will give my the same consistence and power of the original servo.

Stage 3 is the one on the skeleton hand.
Suggustions for a more realistic appearance R710

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  v Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:09 am

Perhaps use small pnumatic rams (muscle) attached at the end to flat nylon (tendon). That gets rid of the whirring sound, and wouldn't it last awhile?


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Kthomp06 Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:47 pm

Hi, I thought about that in the beginning and it was a realy good idea, but then I thougt how am I going to fix it. What will happen if it springs a leak where will the fluid go maybe onto the circut boards and catch fire. Plus I would need something to push the fluid (like a servo) through very small tubing. So here's something like what I would have transformed into a workable hydrolic system.

Suggustions for a more realistic appearance N110

Please note: what I'm trying to do is make a hand unit that can be removed and have the tip of the thumb touch the tip of the pinky.

Thank You for the idea please keep them coming. And remember we have the technology we can build her, to a point.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  v Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:14 pm

"And remember we have the technology we can build her, to a point."

Build this girl Very Happy (Level-D Ayana w/ gajin head)

Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Project%20Level-D%20-%20Ayana%20Prototype%20Head
Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Project%20Level-D%20-%20Ayana%20Custom%201


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Kthomp06 Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:18 am

Ok you do realize that's what we're trying help Le do. But what type of face, body, and workings is up to Le. He would have to obtain licenses to reproduce the face and body, plus it would cost around $30,000 to $40,000 once product started. You are also looking at a time frame of around 2 to 5 years before see it on the market and that all depends on if the economy doesn't really go south and we will all be paying $100 for a can of beans.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  v Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:03 am

That was made in japan, the robot is made in canada. You could ignore licensing if you wanted and weren't planning on dealing with japan Razz
However.. it probably would be better to just buy these from japan: they have more experiance with making durable silicone dolls vs mainland america
(example: look how easy real-dolls tear).
Also I doubt highly that anyone but the japanese could make actually pretty dolls (they're the only ones who do: everyone else's dolls are stuck in the uncanny valley). So partnership, rather than licensing and attempting reproduction (and having issues with doing so), once it's proven that the robot works, would be the best probably.

40k will be out of the reach of everyone.


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  v Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:05 am

Basically what you're telling me is "go away, this isn't for you, it will be at the cost of 1 full year salary if you even get a good job, and also won't come in the style you like, go away". Ok.

Write off most of america and europe then.


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Kthomp06 Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:56 am

If you want to take price rang the new Japanese robot HRP-4 cost $200,000 and a silicon doll cost around $6000 so I don't think $30 to $40,000 is out rang. Besides Le already stated (in the other blog) that he talked to the Japanese manufactures and they are not interested in making the doll and they want him to pay for the rights to make it. So no I don't think he'll be making it any time soon.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  v Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:43 am

You don't have to pay them just because they want you to. Why do you assume you have to license just because you are told that? Japan and canada do not have the same IP laws. Also, you don't have a working product, if you came to me without anything I too would say that I'm not interested. You need to make it walk and do things first and have a working product before the companies will be interested in partnering.

40k is out of the range of everyone, even if there exists robots that are even more expensive.
That is a fact.


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Discoman Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:43 pm

wow... haven;t responded here for a while, sorry. really impressive hand...

the nokia phone looks to be the next great innovation

i can't get prices on linear electric actuators from companies, and i won't look at surplus for something of this caliber. there is also electricall actualted muscles, encases in a weirs shell containing a salty fluid... they have great power to weight ratio. still under development i think.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Back to the topic

Post  Guest Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:11 am

Discoman has the right idea.
Everybody on this site, ignore v's crap and let's get back to discussing robot related stuff.
Maybe the shit will just go home after that and never bother us again, or do us all a favor and just kill himself because the troll obviously isn't gaining any friendship points here and I'm sure it will be like that all over the Web and in the real world.

Le (I mean Mr. Trung Wink ), this is a good example of why you should have an ignore feature on these boards.


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Discoman Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:19 am

Artilects rule! wrote:
v wrote:"And remember we have the technology we can build her, to a point."

Build this girl Very Happy (Level-D Ayana w/ gajin head)

Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Project%20Level-D%20-%20Ayana%20Prototype%20Head
Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Project%20Level-D%20-%20Ayana%20Custom%201
I don't know how many people realized this, but this character's age is labeled under 18 which is a minor in America.
If v wants her for sex, I'm sure it could be considered illegal.

hey there's another way... get one of those expensive toys, carefully cut the skin off, and build the parts onto the internal skeleton, and put the skin back on over the robot endoskeleton

as for the legal/illegal idea... when it comes down to it, it's a toy. however creepy it is, it's only a toy.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Discoman Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:24 am

v wrote:Architect: I do not care. Go fuck yourself.
Actually I want a real wife of the age 12, 13, or 14 (age when females gain the ability to have children).
Most men want that too (though many will deny that).
It is clear that you are opposed to men having what men desire.
So is america.
America is so opposed to such things that where men have young wives, america invades, and kills such men, and brings freedom to women and opression to men.

That opens up a market for you: give men what they want in non-person form (these toys you are creating).
Don't you understand that these are not people? These are items. Just as cartoons are not pictures of people, these dolls are not real people.

If they catch on, women will make sure that they do get banned however.

Architect: what's your point mother fucker? You needed to speak up because you are not against the western notion that young fertile females are not for men? You needed to make that point when we are talking about non-living objects created by artists and engineers? You saw your in "sorta looks like a person, let me say how I think men should not have young nubile females".

One day the global reign of anti-man tyranny that is the modern system of living (feminism) will fall. With that fall there will be reprisals against its supporters. Think of all the men rotting in jail for having a young wife. Think of all the families that have been DESTROYED by the armies of the feminist states. They will have their revenge. There will surely be no mercy as no human mercy was shown to them by the supporters of the society: even though it is the most natural thing in the world for men to desire and take young fertile females as compliant wives for themselves, even though that has been the RULE rather than the exception since the DAWN of LIFE itself, for ALL life, including mankind.... those that support the society hate them, send them to hell, even murder and execute them. And then, this belief is spread throughout the entire globe and infects every society: for men to be good, they must acquiesce to "Women's Liberty" and never again take a sweet young woman (and they become women at 12, 13, or 14 years of age) as brides, that they must allow divorce to be taken against them, and must let loose the reigns of their family so that they have none they can truly call their own. And the only place men fight against this is in afganistan and pakistan... the original taliban are dead, but men still fight there because they will NEVER give up their RIGHT to sweet young wives.

We can only pray that man's fire is not fully extinguished: it only still burns in one small section of the globe. Conquest is almost total.

Architect: go fuck yourself and your laws. I would gladly die if it ment that they would be defeated. In the west there is total control of men, not even the winter before summer can we see; we have no path to follow to victory.

got a bit of a vendeta about something here? seriously, calm down. and watch the language, i don't want someone getting offended on a thread i start nor do i want a flame war here.

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Guest Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:49 am

v wrote:

In non-feminist countries (the few (single digit) that exist) men marry young brides that are REAL and they DO clean the house, be nice, and do whatever he tells her to.

A'la slavery.


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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty Re: Suggustions for a more realistic appearance

Post  Discoman Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:09 pm

v wrote:"however creepy it is, it's only a toy."

heh, they are all kinda creepy. Especially the non-japanese produced ones (the japanese are better artists).
Notice that it's only the feminist countries where these are sold in quantities. There's a reason for that. The reason is women's rights and female choice.

In non-feminist countries (the few (single digit) that exist) men marry young brides that are REAL and they DO clean the house, be nice, and do whatever he tells her to.

im in complete agreement with what your stating. it doesn't mean i agree with the idea, but you are correct with what happens and how it would be like( i don't know)

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Suggustions for a more realistic appearance Empty wtf v2

Post  alex Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:32 am

Poor Le if he has to read this all.


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