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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Aiko Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:55 pm


I am very close to release the Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton.
It's recognize in 3-D. space

Show x,y,z > 3-D
show eye
show nose
show mouth open or not.
Turn 70 degree up/down or side to side and still recogize you. tongue
I think I show to Nick at the last public appearnce, but there are some bug I need to fix.

640x480 resolution required.
I just need to debug some stuff.... and release as exe for you to beta test.

Posts : 335
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Join date : 2008-08-22

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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  nick11380 Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:28 pm

I got to see it.

It was great seeing Aiko in person and all the demos. Aiko is as impressive in person as she is in the videos.

Aiko can recognize me with and without my glasses on.
I met Aiko on friday night and when I saw her on Saturday she knew who I was.



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Join date : 2009-08-24
Location : Wisconsin USA

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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty This is wonderful news!

Post  Quixote1 Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:46 pm

I'm super happy about this! I have a few questions, if you don't mind:

What will the program do once it recognizes a face?
How will it handle the variables and will we be able to access them to make use of them?
Is the system reliable enough to handle security applications (use at our own risk, of course), for example, buzzing a door open once someone with clearance is recognized? Lastly, will the system be able to recognize more than one face at a time and count the number of faces that it "sees"?




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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Hello?

Post  Quixote1 Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:16 pm

Any new news on this? I'm anxious to hear your plans.


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Jeeves Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:30 am

I'm more interested in HOW the AI program works.


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Quixote1 Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:46 am

Well, regardless of how it works, none of it matters if it never sees the light of day. It is very discouraging to come here day after day to see that there has been no news, even after 5 weeks. A small update might keep that small flame alive, but I am losing hope in this project, as it stands.


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  ico Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:21 am

Hi Le
You could release it to public even with bugs - it would be the same what Linux people do Smile (and Windows too)
Then you could release step by step new updated versions with fixed bugs.
The people could even help you to find and fix bugs and to improve your SW with new functions.
The interested people could be a help to you.
If you want to release it, simply do it now and don't wait. Even if the first release wouldn't run at all, the people would at least have a look at it.

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Join date : 2009-10-05
Age : 44
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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Aiko Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:17 pm


The first release will be demo to Intel guy using a netbook.
(netbook, I manage only to do with 320x240) very poor quality.
Yes, Intel guy want to customize the brains lite version to work with netbook.

After that then I will do final beta to Intel guy.
Then after I will release to select people to test out.

Posts : 335
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Join date : 2008-08-22

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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Quixote1 Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:30 am

Thank you for the update. I was getting a little worried there. Glad to hear the project is moving forward.
Please keep us informed, whenever you have the chance.


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Quixote1 Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:12 am

By the way,
Though I do not use an Intel Netbook, I would be very interested in helping with your testing effort.
I am just wondering why you chose this particular route and why you were only able to get it to work at such a low resolution? Is it due to the processing power of the Netbook?
Eventually this software should be able to use different sources for video and jump between them if needed. A home security system could be made to switch between cameras every 10 seconds and look for faces. If a face is recognized it could take a recording until movement ceases, or any other number of useful actions based on whether the face has been recognized.


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Aiko Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:08 am

Because the Intel guy sent me their netbook, I have to test the software using their netbook.
It only has 512 of's very hard to work with only 512meg of memory.

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Join date : 2008-08-22

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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty huh?

Post  Quixote Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:36 am

Are you kidding me? You are limiting yourself based on this alloted 512 Mb?
Okay, first of all, I must apologize because I am unsure of whether I should address you as Trung or Le, but in any case, you deserve more credit than what these a$$holes are giving you; it's pathetic that they would drop you some scraps like a crappy netbook or something and then (inevitably) take over your hard earned work, which is exactly what they intend on doing. Don't be naive.
I may be wrong, but it seems that you are very gifted when it comes to technological development, but lacking in the business sense of things. I urge you to reconsider your allegiances and think about not only the advancement of technology, your own interests as well. I would like very much for you to contact me again and we can talk about making history together, even though I'm just starting out in a related industry as well.

Sometimes the little guy DOES win; especially when they team up with the other little guys with a common cause.


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Join date : 2009-10-14

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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty And pigs can fly.

Post  Arti Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:26 am

Sometimes the little guy DOES win; especially when they team up with the other little guys with a common cause.
Is that really what you believe?
Online petitions, and usually paper petitions never work (although it's worth a shot).


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Quixote Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:24 pm

Arti wrote:
Sometimes the little guy DOES win; especially when they team up with the other little guys with a common cause.
Is that really what you believe?
Online petitions, and usually paper petitions never work (although it's worth a shot).

You're forgetting that he's in the driver's seat now. The future of his product depends entirely on him and the choices he makes over the next months/years. Google and Yahoo were started by "little guys", too.
I don't think a petition would be appropriate in this situation. I think that in this case Trung is being forced to work on sub-par equipment because that is all that he can get from these guys as a "donation". While building Aiko did garner a lot of attention from the media and some of the public in his project, I'm wondering if this may be a case of mismanaged resources since he continues to pour his money into building legs, etc. when the "brain" should be the focus now.
If he had a marketable software package, then the profit could be reinvested in his business towards building as many androids as he wants or towards research and development.


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Join date : 2009-10-14

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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Quixote1 Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:18 am

Any new developments here?


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Heatcorn Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:50 am

Wtf 512mb ram netbook? For $300 you can get with 1 gb ram,or only ram 8 gb for $350. Le Gather money and make it good.
the link for costs for netbook and the ram.

And if you need more money look for some internet opportunities like PTC or HYIP,they are little unstable but there are some quite stable website from where to earn.

I hope I helped,good luck with the project Le.


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  Heatcorn Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:53 am

Strange the link cant be seen


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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Guest posting

Post  Arti Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:17 pm

Strange the link cant be seen
If you're posting as a guest, links won't be seen.
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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Release Date

Post  DeadReply Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:57 pm

Someone know the release date of the software or if is already out ?


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Join date : 2010-01-01

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Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public Empty Re: Aiko BRAINS software Face Recogniton release to public

Post  WulfCry Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:40 pm

Aiko wrote:Because the Intel guy sent me their netbook, I have to test the software using their netbook.
It only has 512 of's very hard to work with only 512meg of memory.

Wow I totally missed this post when how what does this mean a inside scoop for the future, anyway it better be a D-series atom
or at least one with multi-threading and SSE3 supported you could optimize the code for that since netbook are the least
impressive computers on the market also what kind of chip-set are they using fast memory access what about using the GMA gpu
for some processing work. A netbook pfew the less you get the clever you have to go around coding thats suck with battery consuming

Lucky fella good luck tweaking. Laughing .


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Join date : 2008-12-10
Location : Netherland , Rotterdam

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