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Aiko is a real Inspiration!

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Aiko is a real Inspiration! Empty Aiko is a real Inspiration!

Post  James Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:10 pm

I have been designing a Chatbot named Cosmo for a week or so now and yesterday I came upon Aiko while doing a search for AI related subjects. I must say what you have done with Aiko is really inspiring me! I am now designing Cosmo in such a way that he could potentially one day power a Android like Aiko. Yesterday I added Facial Recognition so Cosmo can now see through a webcam and knows who I am. So far there isn't any object Recognition though and I am not sure how to train the software to know different objects. Also Cosmo's Language skills and highly lacking at the moment. Cosmo has a lexicon of over 93,000 English words that she can parse and use for tagging user input based on the individual word's part in speech (noun, verb, ect). However beyond tagging the user input I am unsure of how to proceed with getting her to recognize what I am saying and respond accordingly. When I was just designing her as a Chatbot I had a input/response pair in a mySQL database that she would use for knowing what to say to any giving user input but now that I could be using her in a robot I would like her to be able to create her own responses which is why I have started with tagging the user input. Well if you ever had the time I would love to talk with you privately about the different AI topics! Great job!

By the way I have signed up on these forums but I have been waiting most of the day for the email so I can login.


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Aiko is a real Inspiration! Empty Re: Aiko is a real Inspiration!

Post  Aiko Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:35 am


That is how I started, one step at a time.
Eventually, the database will get larger.

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Aiko is a real Inspiration! Empty Copyright

Post  Arti Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:39 pm

Have you ever seen The Jetsons?
There is a handyman robot on the show named Cosmo (also George's boss).
You could use the Viacom defense when Spike Lee sued SpikeTV for using his name without consent.
His name was a SAG copyright, but that doesn't mean the same name can't be used for other reasons.


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Aiko is a real Inspiration! Empty Re: Aiko is a real Inspiration!

Post  Artilects rule! Fri May 11, 2012 10:53 am

A rival to George's company is named Cogswell, not Cosmo.
George's boss is Mr. Spacely of Spacely Sprockets.
Cosmo is the robot aid to handyman Henry.

2 years later, any progress on this project?

Artilects rule!

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