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how to make robots that are more accepted by people-through war.

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how to make robots that are more accepted by people-through war. Empty how to make robots that are more accepted by people-through war.

Post  Discoman Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:36 am

hopefully the title got some attention. yes, this will be as stated. hear me out first-this is only an idea i am presenting based on some events currently happening.
one of the major hurdles is getting robots to be accepted by the average person. it becomes even harder the more human the robot looks, thanks to the uncanny valley.

but maybe we don't need to concentrate on appearance first off. perhaps function may be an idea. consider this-a humanoid/somewhat android robot to assist medical units in conflict, more in a front-line role. surgeons, nurses, several different types.
the idea would require them to look somewhat human, as opposed to the looks of DaVinci or other purpose built robots.

okay, so here is why: the military and military employees are THE most accepting people of robots.
okay, the link is a humor place, but it shows the point I'm trying to make here:
and keep in mind that talon robots are remote controlled devices, very advanced ones, yet they are more like an r/c car than a robot-they have no autonomous capabilities.

if a ROV (remotely operated vehicle) that has no autonomous function can be promoted to (probably) a higher rank than the operator, then why not use this to our advantage?
if human-looking robots are (and are known to be) ding work to save the lives of people in military medical stations, it could give a much needed boost towards recognition and acceptance of robots.

if a talon can make Sgt, then why can't an android with a basic program do one specific type of surgery with human oversight, but running under it's own program? autonomous robots saving lives is good publicity, and will most likely gain acceptance with the soldiers.

just a thought.

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how to make robots that are more accepted by people-through war. Empty Re: how to make robots that are more accepted by people-through war.

Post  Boetharch Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:22 pm

On a side note, an possibly non-applicable, blacks were horribly scorned and ostracized in North, until they were allowed to serve in actual combat. This garnered the respect of their peers, and shattered the prior barriers that existed.


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Join date : 2013-12-16

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