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video game marathon?

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video game marathon? Empty video game marathon?

Post  shadow Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:33 am

Some of you may be aware that ran an online streaming video game marathon and raised over $12,000 to build a school in a developing country. (I believe they're original goal was 5,000). I believe something like this would be a much better way to raise money for aiko, as the people that want it seem to be younger and probably don't make that much individually. They recorded everything using ustream, cheap $15 usb video capture devices, desktop microphone, it's all in their FAQ. It's much easier to get the idea by watching their recorded feeds.

*They were doing a team race thing, but a tv died near the end.
*The first few marathons would probably only make around $1000, this one only took off since it was on the frontpage of reddit.


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video game marathon? Empty Re: video game marathon?

Post  shadow Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:34 am

*extralives dot org, the hyperlink got removed


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video game marathon? Empty Re: video game marathon?

Post  ico Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:14 am
Wow interesting. I would never think that this works and people donate by watching it, because when I watched some of the videos I would be totally bored after a short time. But it can be a good idea. For example you have a robot (like Aiko): you could make such live streams where people can watch it and talk with it and make donations. And they could reservate time (according the amount of donation) to have a special time with the robot: they could control it, give commands like to walk somewhere, pickup something and do other things.
Why not, because if you want something from people you have to give them something they like or want. And of course to send the donators some present would not be bad (even if it would be only a postcard).

Last edited by ico on Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:38 am; edited 2 times in total

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video game marathon? Empty Re: video game marathon?

Post  shadow Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:37 pm

You kind to have to of liked and played the games to enjoy it I guess, The entertaining part is watching them suffer through 4 straight days of playing it. (with little sleep and games that have complex puzzles). There was also a chat room displayed below the video feed on their website so people can ask questions and get a response. Plus, most of us grew up playing some of these games for weeks. Sorry, but watching Aiko for a few days wouldn't interest anyone. I suppose you could raffle something off like that as a prize, but chances are anyone who actually does it won't really be involved with Aiko in any real way.

If you're thinking about asking: no, I can't do it. I work weekends and my friends go to school/work night shifts. Although some posters seem to be still in high school and could have the time to do it.


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video game marathon? Empty Re: video game marathon?

Post  nick11380 Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:32 pm

For example you have a robot (like Aiko): you could make such live streams where people can watch it and talk with it and make donations. And they could reservate time (according the amount of donation) to have a special time with the robot: they could control it, give commands like to walk somewhere, pickup something and do other things.

When Aiko was on live stream in October there seemed to be a lot of interest. So I could see people donating to reserve some time to talk to Trung and Aiko over the live stream. Asking Aiko to do things and see her do it could be like their own private demo. The people watching might want to donate to reserve some time during the next live stream.


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Join date : 2009-08-24
Location : Wisconsin USA

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video game marathon? Empty Re: video game marathon?

Post  Aiko Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:54 pm

Sound interesting I might think about it.

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Join date : 2008-08-22

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