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Do Japanese folks actually like anime?

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Do Japanese folks actually like anime? Empty Do Japanese folks actually like anime?

Post  Verilog Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:00 am

Ok first off... I do like anime and manga stuff a lot. That said, my observation based on all the Japanese I met in this life till now is that they actually don't like if you talk about Japanese pop-culture, to the point that they avoid such folks who talk about it.

The admin and maker of Aiko,assuming they both are the same and is/are of Japanese origin, is actually the first individual of Japanese origin whom I found to be open to not only talk about it but also accept it and pursue it (that is the making of Aiko android) in a grand manner. Is this an exception? what is the general opinion of Japanese folks about anime, manga and stuff related to that?


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Do Japanese folks actually like anime? Empty Re: Do Japanese folks actually like anime?

Post  Kal-el Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:59 pm

Do americans like Hollywood movies? they do! So it should be normal for japanese to like anime, maybe some just don't like to talk about it.


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Do Japanese folks actually like anime? Empty Japanese attitudes towards Anime.

Post  captquazar Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:38 pm

Except for Otaku Verilog is correct. Would your average middle aged american admit he still loves Speed Racer or Lost in Space? Perhaps to close friends, but certainly not to co-workers or other professionals. And the Japanese definition of 'friend' is much more tight than for americans. They are more reserved about personal info that could cause loss of face.


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Do Japanese folks actually like anime? Empty Re: Do Japanese folks actually like anime?

Post  Kal-el Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:24 pm

Hmm... I'm not american or japanese but I see no reason why they should not talk about what they like, speaking of those who like anime and the americans who like movies.

I think speed racer and lost in space are old so they might already forgotten about them but on the forums I've been they like to talk about what new movies are in cinemas and also they like to talk about old movies, so it must be the japanese who don't like talking about anime, japanese are a bit strange.


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Join date : 2008-08-31

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Do Japanese folks actually like anime? Empty any ftw

Post  devindyb Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:55 am

anime ftw study


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Do Japanese folks actually like anime? Empty Re: Do Japanese folks actually like anime?

Post  Guest Sat May 09, 2009 12:42 am

I may be American, but all my Japanese friends like anime. On my last trip to Japan, I ended up talking to my friend whom I was staying with (native Japanese) for a half hour about Crayon Shin-Chan. He was fascinated that I was familiar with it.If the Japanese did not like anime, there would not be 250+ new anime titles a year debuting in Japan on TV.


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Do Japanese folks actually like anime? Empty Re: Do Japanese folks actually like anime?

Post  HaleyHanabusa Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:41 pm

I suppose it would be the same as if someone asked me, "Did you see the last episode of CSI/American Idol/etc.?"

The answer is no, because I'm not really into reality television or most American dramas. However, a lot of people are. *Shrug*

I discovered anime, and I also like the BBC's Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. It just depends on a persons interests. You really can't pack a whole country into one group and ask if they like anime.

Besides, if it didn't get popular there, how would we ever hear about it? ^w^ (Before the internet, that is. xD


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Join date : 2009-11-20

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Do Japanese folks actually like anime? Empty Re: Do Japanese folks actually like anime?

Post  PJ Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:10 am

I love anime =3 Very Happy

I'm a otaku =3

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