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anti masturbation bill

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anti masturbation bill Empty anti masturbation bill

Post  Artilects rule! Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:33 pm

This bill amendment would have gone nowhere so it was withdrawn, said to just make a point of a double standard with the sexes.

Here's my bill amendment to make a point of a double standard for children.

A child as young as 14 may engage a person 14 and up in lewd or seductive behavior of a sexual nature (AKA flirting and teasing).
Sexual innuendo may be in private or public.
A 14 year old may also touch, caress, stroke, and fondle body parts of another if:
  • written parental consent is given (can continue behavior throughout year even if consented once),
  • supervised by parent, or
  • parent or guardian is on premises (doesn't have to be watching child)

Penetration of mouth, buttocks, or vagina must not take place until 18.
Partner/s must not be married or have children (if teen or adult) unless consented or joined by spouse.

If genitals of partner are felt and partner is married or has children, either parent of child, spouse of partner, or both must be informed after the fact, but the action may not occur again without consent of all parties.

Of course this won't go anywhere, but I've made my point.

Artilects rule!

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anti masturbation bill Empty Re: anti masturbation bill

Post  Artilects rule! Fri May 25, 2012 3:36 am

I wrote this as a kinda joke, but it actually sounds reasonable to me now that I re-read it.
Why do children get special treatment when it comes to physical contact without actual sex?

Take the recent wave of adult teachers having sexual relationships with children.
A: If guidelines of sexual behavior were given, sex (as well as unwanted pregnancy and STDs) wouldn't be an issue.
B: Children and teens wouldn't be so upset or psychologically damaged about it if parents and other adults weren't so freaked out by it.
C: It would change the dynamics of people of authority for the better, not for the worse.
D: Children and teens would feel better being on equal footing with adults in sexuality.

It is my hope that the term "softcore porn" will be no more after this.
I want the word "erotic" to actually be what it was meant to be.

PS: Rubbing or fondling the skin of a family member would not be considered incest, but both parties would have to consent.

I forgot one.

Even if the adult has fantasies of the child or teen, the adult must not initiate the action unless consented by child or teen without mental or physical manipulation, such as, bribery/rewards, blackmail, threats, promises, coercion, and physical force.

Artilects rule!

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anti masturbation bill Empty Re: anti masturbation bill

Post  Discoman Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:57 am

How does the title relate to what you are spelling out?
Also, on a serious enough topic as this, you provide a lot of claims in the second post. Please provide citations/sources to support your claims.

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anti masturbation bill Empty Re: anti masturbation bill

Post  Artilects rule! Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:02 am

Discoman wrote:How does the title relate to what you are spelling out?
Also, on a serious enough topic as this, you provide a lot of claims in the second post. Please provide citations/sources to support your claims.
I could, but the question is moot.
The idea of sex education at high school age as well as handing out condoms and other things of that nature was attacked by dozens of prudish states.
This ridiculous notion enraged one Senator who thought to drive the point home at how ridiculous this situation is getting, she would draft a new pro life amendment called the anti masturbation bill.

"Any person who ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere outside a woman's vagina, will be considered murdering a future infant."

This was picked up by the papers and bloggers calling it the Every Sperm Is Sacred Act (named for the Monty Python song).

Needles to say, it didn't pass.

Artilects rule!

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anti masturbation bill Empty Re: anti masturbation bill

Post  Gilda Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:21 am

That's why I don't come to this part of the forum with frequence, and that's why it's my first and least participation here in 18+.

There is a clear lack of maturity in this guy to discuss such a serious topic.
Masturbation is not the crime, but pedophily is.
He really don't know nothing about brain formation or psycology. It's not "adult alarmism", it is the simple fact that children body and psiche isn't ready for sexual experiments with the addult context.
Children have sexual experiences of discovery of their own bodies and it comes from themselves or with their same aged friends.
No need of an addult to distub this magical time in the childhood.
Children aren't assexual, but things need to come in their own rythm.
So I have nothing more to tell here and will ignore this forum as I was doing before.


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anti masturbation bill Empty Re: anti masturbation bill

Post  Artilects rule! Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:16 pm

Gilda wrote:That's why I don't come to this part of the forum with frequence, and that's why it's my first and least participation here in 18+.

There is a clear lack of maturity in this guy to discuss such a serious topic.
Masturbation is not the crime, but pedophily is.
He really don't know nothing about brain formation or psycology. It's not "adult alarmism", it is the simple fact that children body and psiche isn't ready for sexual experiments with the addult context.
Children have sexual experiences of discovery of their own bodies and it comes from themselves or with their same aged friends.
No need of an addult to distub this magical time in the childhood.
Children aren't assexual, but things need to come in their own rythm.
So I have nothing more to tell here and will ignore this forum as I was doing before.

Obviously you can't take a joke.
The anti-masturbating bill (which I didn't make up) was drawn up BECAUSE removing sex ed from highschool (the typical age kids start having sex) is so ridiculous.
The name the media gave it was just a headline getter.

As for pedophilia:
Yes I do take the subject seriously, but using a definition of sex (penetration only) that differs from the legal definition (which incorrectly includes masturbation) leads me to wonder what's the problem with that sort of behavior if consented?

By the way, I'm trying my best for an interesting topic here that would be too taboo anywhere else.
Be my guest in creating your own threads in this forum.

If anyone has a problem with what I write, please continue discussing it with me, showing your point of view.
Don't talk about me to everyone else and leave in a huff.

Artilects rule!

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Join date : 2009-02-06
Location : United States

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anti masturbation bill Empty Re: anti masturbation bill

Post  Artilects rule! Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:16 pm

By the way guys, this has been going on for two years now.
Thou Shalt Not Spill Thy Seed! Anti-Masturbation Amendment Added To Anti-Abortion Bill
Oklahoma Democrat jokingly calls for anti-masturbation bill
Well I understood it about sexual education, but indirectly it sort of is.

Artilects rule!

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